We have read excerpts from Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self- Reliance", Henry David Thoreaus' Walden, and watched Dead Poet's Society. We've analyzed comic strips and song lyrics for transcendental ideas (recall Gavin Degraw's "I Don't Want to Be"). Remember the 5 areas of transcendental thought we've been focusing on: self-reliance, non-conformity, free thought, confidence, and the importance of nature. Remember the importance of individuality.
*I want you to share your definition of transcendentalism. If someone asked you what it was all about, how would you explain it to them.
*Now tell me your thoughts on being a transcendentalist in today's society. Is it possible? What would be easy about it? What might be some obstacles? How easy is it to be an individual in today's world? Is it easier to conform? DISCUSS.......
(Photo by camille y.)
What is a transendentalist?
In my opinion I think a transendentalist is someone who depends on their mind and nature. I also believe that transendentalists thinks they need nothing but their mind and nature.
Do you think someone could be a transendentalist today?
I believe someone could be a transendentalist today if they put their mind to it. I believe people also could be if they arent into electronics and just use their mind as well. I also think people may believe today that they dont need nothing but their mind and nature.
What is a trandcendeantalist?
A person that always uses their brain to think about different things.
is it possible to to be a Transcendentalist in todays world?
Yes. Because people can use their mind to think about transenenental things. but somtimes it might be hard to be a trandcdentalist because now thes days people dont really care about wat other people have to say. some gets mad because they do not like the comment or things that the trandcentalist have to say..
L.L.S <3
In my opinion a transcendentalist is a person who gives his thoughts away and they depend on you and you only. They are different and very mindful of their thoughts. They speak upon what they feel and they fight for what's right.
I believe it's very possible to be a transcendentalist in today's world. You can be what you want when you want as long as you don't care what other people think of you. There's pros and cons for being a transcendentalist. Many people turn others down for being different. The world is filled with many people who influence bad upon the younger kids or even adults with television shows or clothing people wear, or even video games. So many people beg to be different and look like a famous actor but in reality it's a waste of energy to try to be something you're not. Being a transcendentalist in today's world is possible but hard at the same time.
TV :)*
Thinking, saying, doing, what you think fits your life the best. What you want, but also what you need. Individuality, but you need to be careful. a way that will give you the most marrow in life, while not destroying everything around you. A sort of balance that allows you to have fun and make friends, but doesn't set your thoughts in stone. Non-conformity, self-reliance, confidence, free thought, and importance of nature.
Can you be a trancendentalist today?
Of course! Do you not think clearly of what you want? Yes, you may worry about what others think but you cant control others. Be yourself but dont burn bridges if someone says something. Stay in the middle and you control all. Think freely and have confidence and you are a trancendentalist.
MY definition of a transcendentalist is what you feel is natural and how you can use your mind (free thought).To be a transcendentalist is easy,all you have to do is choose to do what ever you want or feel like.
I think being a transcendentalist today could be easy or difficult. It will take a lot of guts to make it happen. people are expected to conform in today's world. Like one way is if you break the law (nonconform) you get sent to jail. A lot of the pressures comes from tv and magazines etc... JDN
What is Transcendentalist?
In my opinion i think transcendentalist is a individual and a liar and to be your self and never reliy on someone elses.
Do you think someone could be a transcendentalist today?
Yes it is so possible to be a transcendentalist because that all you have to do is be your self and your owen individual and when people dont accept one and other when they use stero type names and that they pick on you.
What is your definition of transcendentalism?
Transcendentalism is people that use there own mind and think for themself, somebody who is not trancendental trys to hard too be like others, acts like them does what they do a follower will do anything 4 acceptance.
Is it possible to ba a transcendentalist in todays world?
Yes, It is possible to be a transcendentalist in todays world, because anybody can think for themself and be who they want to be. But i think it would be difficult for certain people because for certain things, activites you have to requrier a certain weight, hair color, eye color,ect. Also you would get made fun of, called names if you dont meet others standards.
I think that transcendentalism means.Deep thnking contecting with the inner person.Also getting in touch with the things that are not noticed.Trying to be and indeviual.trying to be indepentdent.also not fallowing others do your own thinking. yes people can still be transedentaist if they are stong minded and willed and dont let peer pruser hold you back from the real you.adn by letting obsicals stop you from being yourself.
Trancendentalism is being able to be yourself, no matter what others think of you. Having free thought, understanding the importance of nature and how it affects us, and to know you can’t trust everyone or belive what everyone says.
I think it would be possible to be a transcendentalist, but it would be very difficult in highly populated areas where people’s influence is extreamly strong. Plus people usually don’t like people who are different, so it could ruin their lives being a transcendentalist could ruin someones life if they took it too far.
Yes it would, it just depends on where you are at the time, so your thoughts could be accepted. If you try to be transcendental and different in a place that does not want you to be, then they will not trust you or listen to you. so it really wouldnt matter.
My definition of transcendentalism is; A deep intellectual state of mind and/or spirit. To be in a transcendental "state" is almost to be medititating but instead of letting your mind go blank you begin to think and question all of the things that are accepted in society today.MF
Somebody who can rely on themselves using their owne thoughts and ideas not going by anothers rules, modern philosiphers and thinkers people who dont give into conformity and the pressure of others, rebels with a cause.
No, I dont because the world would reject you and serve you as an outcast. Your open thoughts and ideas would be cencored and you would not be accepted for who you are and what your ideas are.
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