We have read excerpts from Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self- Reliance", Henry David Thoreaus' Walden, and watched Dead Poet's Society. We've analyzed comic strips and song lyrics for transcendental ideas (recall Gavin Degraw's "I Don't Want to Be"). Remember the 5 areas of transcendental thought we've been focusing on: self-reliance, non-conformity, free thought, confidence, and the importance of nature. Remember the importance of individuality.
*I want you to share your definition of transcendentalism. If someone asked you what it was all about, how would you explain it to them.
*Now tell me your thoughts on being a transcendentalist in today's society. Is it possible? What would be easy about it? What might be some obstacles? How easy is it to be an individual in today's world? Is it easier to conform? DISCUSS.......
(Photo by camille y.)